Some of the books I have been reading and my thoughts on it.

I’m a slow reader btw.


I have been on a mental health phase and reading a lot on psychology themes.

List ordered by most recent.

Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World – by Carl Newport

Reading it. It’s been on my list for a long time. I’ve always been able to focus for long periods but lost my mojo a little.

Deep Work

The Artist’s Way: A Course on Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self – by Julia Cameron

Still reading it. It is a course, actually. I’m really enjoying it. It seems written by someone that observed many others make progress with their creativity and art.

Artist's Way

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know – by Adam Grant

Very good book on the science of changing our minds. I always considered myself someone with a flexible mind and even wondered if it was a healthy thing. After reading the book, I realized that I can improve a lot when talking to others and that I’m actually less flexible than I thought. Or am I not? Also, I don’t like Mayonnaise.

Think Again

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less – by Greg Mckeown

I thought I had tendencies to being more of a minimalist, but I think I’m actually an essentialist at heart. It helped me sharpen the skill of discerning what is essential.


Expressive Writing: Words that heal – by James W. Pennebaker, John F. Evans

By far, writing has been the thing that helped me the most in my mental health. This book is a good guide to use writing as a mental health tool. I’m still putting into practice some of the exercises in this book.

Expressive Writing

The Courage To Be Disliked – by Ishiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga

I was introduced to Adlerian theory to psychology through this book. I really connected with the ideas here and I can say it helped to consolidate my thoughts.

The Courage To Be Disliked

Unwinding Anxiety – by Judson Brewer

Very practical and it helped me to increase my trust on mindful practices. I was able to increase my awareness of behaviors I need to improve, identify triggers and better deal with responses.

Unwinding Anxiety